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Remove that Stucco... Like, Now (2018 Special)

Reasons for Immediate Removal of Popcorn Ceilings

It's more than just a texture... It's a potential health hazard!

Records have it that the use of popcorn ceiling is be dated back to 1930’s. Many houses built in this period, 1930 through 1990’s had popcorn ceilings until it got to a point in 1977 when government knew about the bad side of the asbestos and was left with no other option but to ban it.

Either popcorn ceiling or acoustic ceiling or textured ceiling, it is the same cottage cheesy ceiling. Inhaling large volume / quantity of dust from this type ceiling has some severe side effect on health. It can cause lung disease and some other side effect.

This actually contributed enormously towards the reasons for massive removal of the asbestos in places of residence. The ceiling was trashed out in many countries, but considering the economic instability and in a way not to further aggravate economic hardship for both sellers and consumers, those not yet sold were reserved and allowed to be used in various houses. As a result of this exemption, people still use the asbestos throughout 1980’s.

Furthermore, so many factors have necessarily called for immediate removal of this asbestos in present 21st century. Some of all these factors are all but not limited to the following.

Don't Wait, Do it Sooner than Later

Old Fashion:

This can be interesting. Popcorn asbestos happened to be the best and excellent ceilings during its time. In 1930’s all through 1960’s, it had its crown shinning on its head, but after the discovery and government interference in 1977, then the great popcorn asbestos started to fall out and was gradually losing its glory, no further development took place because of the ban. Comparing popcorn asbestos to newer (and still illegal) asbestos, it’s obvious it can’t stand them.

Difficulty in painting:

Popcorn ceiling has no fine surface (so very rough and textured). One of the most noticeable thing in this ceiling type is the rough surface. At this, painting of the ceiling can be synonymous to driving nail into the wood, using spanner. Hardship in painting comes in as a result of inability of painting roller to have sufficient nap and effectively apply paint to all of the ridges.

Frequent Maintenance and Repair:

We are certain in this busy century; no one has the time for searching ladder to mount all for the purpose of cleaning ceilings frequently. Whatever you think about popcorn ceiling, the plain truth is that it requires time to time maintenance because of its rough surface, another thing to take note of is the releasing of its texture into the air. This may cause dangerous effect if contaminated.

Risk of asbestos:

Popcorn ceiling won’t pose any health issues if not tampered, but in passing earlier, it was mentioned that maintenance of this ceiling is frequent in order to avoid dust and dirt. In a way it is practically impossible not to disturb the ceiling because of the ridges on its surface. The moment the ceiling is scrubbed and little of its surface is released into the air, the door for serious health issue is widely opened as it can lead to lung cancer if inhaled at large quantity.

If your house is an old building, maybe built in in 1960’s to 1980’s there is high probability that it has popcorn ceiling. As earlier mentioned, to avoid being victim of implications of having popcorn ceiling in places of residence, appropriate efforts are needed to be channeled towards eradication of this old fashion ceiling. However, people are hereby advised to solicit the service of experts before they embark on elimination to avoid mess that might erupt up as a result of the action.

Here's a video with some nice associated words:

Simple Steps to be taken for Appropriate Removal of popcorn ceilings

STEP 1: Scrape small Area first

Before you resolve to remove popcorn ceiling, test the softness and hardness. some gets scrapped easily while some are extremely hard.

STEP 2: Contact Health Practitioners

Take little part of the asbestos to the clinic for test before laying hands on scrapping. If the result is positive, it’s better you call experts to do the removal for you.

STEP 3: Keep All Properties save

Removal of texture ceiling is an invitation to big mess. You necessarily need to cover floors and walls, preferably with plastic.

STEP 4: Remove all furniture

All the furniture in in your house are advised to be removed most especially chairs and beds before stepping on serious scrapping.

STEP 5: Remove ceiling fixtures and cover electric boxes

It is imperative to remove all disturbances that can show up during scrapping. The electric boxes should be as well covered perfectly to avoid entrance of pilled textures into them.

STEP 6: Soak in for 20 minutes

Get a garden sprayer and spray the ceiling. Stay back for 20 minutes and let it soak.

STEP 7: Don’t rush it

Do it bit by bit, start from a small area of the ceiling and scrape, after successful completion, you can move to another place in order to have a neat job.

STEP 8: Collect The Scrapped Texture as You Scrapping

Get yourself a can and hold under where the operations are going on to collect the scrapped ceilings so that wet ones won’t fall on the floor.

STEP 9: File The Edge your Scrapper

Scrapper with flat edge can leave your ceiling with some gouges. Get a file and smoothen the edges.

STEP 10: Paint Your Result

After scrapping, the ceiling loses its colour and beauty. It is necessary to fill any gouge and get the ceiling painted in a bid to have new shinning ceiling.

Closing Arrangements

However, the above steps can be tedious and time sucking. When you take a look at your schedule and discover you have a tight one (lol, who writes this stuff), this is nothing to be worried about.

Many service companies are out there offering professional service on removal of popcorn ceilings at extremely reasonable prices, keep in mind it does take time... And better their time instead of yours, correct?

In conclusion, going by way of modern fashion and the health implications associated with popcorn ceiling, we think you should really get on to the removal of the notoriously terrible textured ceilings. Popcorn ceiling removers are everywhere across the GTA, offering the service SHOULD be outsourced to the professionals who are trained in the proper techniques to clean, dispose, and achieve a nice Smooth Ceiling :)


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